Acne Marks vs Acne Scars –

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Acne Marks vs Acne Scars

Often, people use the terms acne marks and acne scars interchangeably. This leads in confusion to understand if they should use anti-acne cream or acne mark removal cream . If you currently suffer from acne breakouts, or suffered from them in the past, you may have an undesirable skin appearance in some areas as a result. Before you seek acne scar treatments, it’s important to understand the difference between acne marks and acne scars. Since each condition requires different treatment methods, you may need to seek professional assistance to get a recommendation. Here are some of the main differences of acne marks and acne scars and the types of treatments available for each.

Acne marks are usually minor blemishes or discolorations in the skin that will may or may not go away in a few months. They may have been the result of acne breakouts in the past that did some damage to the skin, but not enough to scar. A recommendation to help revise acne marks is a Perfect Derma Chemical Peel. A chemical peel uses an acid chemical solution to improve the appearance of damaged skin to reveal new brighter, smoother, and healthier looking skin. An accelerator used to address acne can also be mixed into the chemical peel solution to target the existing acne on the skin. Chemical peels have very minimal downtime with excellent results.

Acne scars are generally more serious and can require laser scar revision treatments. Acne scars are permanent as a result of collagen damage, and the scars may be thick and slightly raised from the skin. You won’t be able to treat acne scars with over-the-counter medication or creams, so seeking a clinic specializing in laser skin resurfacing should be your first step if you want to treat them.

As mentioned, acne marks don’t require much treatment. You could probably get away with a series of chemical peels to even out pigmentation problems and take better care of your skin for a few months and you’ll slowly notice the marks disappearing. But your best bet for acne scar treatments is laser scar revision. This is especially true if you need facial acne scar treatments.

Don’t worry laser treatments aren’t as scary as they sound. In fact, the lasers used are some of the safest and most effective options available today. Clients will generally only experience minor discomfort during the procedure, and the recovery time only lasts a few days or weeks, depending on the severity of the acne scars and the location.

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