
There are so many emotions each one of us possesses, but the purest and subtlest of them is love.
For me a flower is equivalent to love. It is subtle, pure, ever-expressing joy, fully endowing itself, giving away all that it has to all without discrimination. Have you ever just looked at a flower for a long time and understood what it is silently exhibiting? It is showing its real self, its true colours and opening itself in totality to the sky and everyone who happens to see it. They are the real pearls and gems of nature. They exhibit so many different qualities – colour, freshness, positive energy, aroma, tenderness, and most importantly the capability to give without any expectations – a whiff of complete beauty with gentle humility.

Many a times we are unable to express ourselves to our loved ones and that is why we offer flowers to them, as they represent and express our true nature and feelings.
Over time love has donned different garments and is seen in many forms and often used loosely to gain something or the other from another human being, who could be a relative or friend.
But at its core, love is an emotion which can help balance all other emotions we go through.

When love is added to anger, hatred, jealousy or sadness it actually dilutes them. As more love is added, other emotions will completely dissolve into complete joy and happiness. Just imagine if one was to add hatred with jealousy or sadness, what will be the condition of that person! He will go into a complete state of negativity.
We all have a beautiful heart full of love but it is supressed under numerous emotions, making it look completely unnatural. Love is sometimes considered a person’s weakness, while, it is actually the true nature of each and every human being and their biggest strength.
Just as water and food help us with the different nutrients needed to keep us physically healthy, a flower can help us uncover our true nature and help us balance our emotions to enjoy the complete beauty of life.

There are many different oils of plants we have access to and most of them work on the many different organs of our body, either stimulating or calming them. Flowers work with the mind and help bring about a complete emotional change in a person. It is real food for the mind. Now the question is which flower oil should one use to balance different emotions?

The answer lies within each one of us. The flower that you like to smell is the one that will help you the best. We have options of pure flower oils of rose, jasmine, mogra, tuberose, champa and lotus. They are available in pure absolute form or diluted in jojoba oil to make the price reasonable. One can either use a single flower oil at a time or blend it with other oils. Alternately various flower oils can be used at different times of the day for different effects.
Rose oil can be used in the morning, especially when one wants to meditate or enjoy the full benefits of the morning calmness. In the evening after a tired day when one wants to get into a positive frame of mind, relieve stress and get into a romantic mood, there is nothing better than jasmine oil to balance and elevate your emotions.

You can use them in a vapourizer and enjoy the aroma that spreads in the environment or dilute them in almond or any other vegetable oil and apply on your face or take a body massage with it.
Go ahead and enjoy the gems of nature to rejuvenate and tap into the ability to express yourself like a flower.
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