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Aromatherapy is an alluring journey into an ancient holistic healing art literally meaning “a therapy using aromas”.
Thousands of years ago, Sages had discovered medicinal properties of plants. Since then, mankind has used it for many ailments. 'Aroma Treasures' is proud to present you the potent and therapeutically rich properties of plants in a very convenient form i.e. in the form of essential oils. These oils are so potent and concentrated that sometimes to get a drop of oil you may require to distill 100 gms. of Plant material.
Aroma oils are extracted from various parts of plants and then used in different treatments to attain balance in physical, mental and spiritual health. It not only aims at healing, relieving and eliminating health problems but it is also concerned with prevention of disease and promotion of happy and healthy living.
The body is a self-healing mechanism which takes its own time to heal and often only needs gentle stimulation of a natural product (in this case essential oils) and an appropriate lifestyle regime to encourage it back to health. Essential oils enter through the blood stream and are carried to every cell in the body, where they are most effective in promoting cellular health, balance and regeneration.
People are using essential oils successfully for all types of skin conditions and for various mental and emotional improvements. Essential oils are volatile, natural substances that are the actual immune system of the plants from which they are extracted. Essential oils contain anti-septic, anti-biotic, anti-viral, anti- inflammatory, as well as many other medicinal properties which heal our body and emotions.